One major obstacle of mine is LAZINESS! I don't like homework and only do it on occasion. Classwork has to interests me otherwise, I either won't do it or I won't put any effort into it. I'm actually starting to get into this blogging thing, but these writing topics are ridiculous! I hate having to bull-crap through stuff, let us blog about stuff we like. Ask a question but, let us use something we're interested in to answer that question. If you let me talk about something I'm interested in, I might surprise you. I like to research and have been doing it a lot lately. Its random research, like if I hear something cool, i'll just look it up. I've been blogging on this other site recently, about some stuff thats been bothering me and I'm getting a lot of feed back, bad and good. I have also, recently accepted that I have an anger problem. Thats an obstacle that will take a lot of time to get over. Its not hard to control myself when I catch it, but lately, i've just been snapping. I go into these fits of rage and the only way to calm myself is to work it out of my system. I don't like it. its not something I want. I just have to learn to control it.
Why don't you make a suggestion. Friday's blog was wide open . I'd be happy to have some ideas of things that would interest everyone.