Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Prep Prep Prep!

Rough Draft

In a beautiful part of sarasota, after a creepy mansion on the right, before the Ringling bridge, near the quiet splash of the sea, on the darkest of nights, with romantic wonder, among the smell of the ocean, we walk hand in hand through Marina Jacks! : )

Monday, January 25, 2010

Who has fed the fire in me???

Mr. Harvey..........He was the greatest teacher ever. I was lucky to have him my 5th grade year, seeing how he retired after my class. He was HUGE on language arts and that is my favorite subject! Yet, it's the one that I struggle with the most. Mr. Harvey gave me a challenge! At times I felt like he was setting me up to fail, but I did my best and pulled through. That was the year I got my first "A" in English. That "A" went straight to my head too, because I started to do homework right when I got home from school, rather than waiting until the last minute. That was the first time I felt smart. I started to irritate my mom by correcting her grammar. I still do to this day, and every time I do I think about how Mr. Harvey changed my life and lit the flame of perseverance inside me. Lately somethings been trying to put that flame out, but there are a few people, including teachers, that are trying to fuel it once again. :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

She walks in beauty...

I lay on the ground
How did I get here?
I take a quick glance around
There's a bright light somewhere near

It's now coming toward me
Should I run, Should I scream?
When my vision cleared enough for me to see
I knew I must be in a dream

The flow of your dress
Barely touching the ground
Over her I knew I would obsess
Just her presence ceased all sound

Her dress was pure white
her skin, smooth as cream
everything about her made me feel right
But could this be as real as it seems?

She walks in beauty
Leaving me behind
Her presence still seizing all sound
One last glance left me impartial and blind....